Sunday, July 7, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
start business
How to Enter a New Busines
Now, many people who want to become an enterpreneur, even starting a young age to the elderly. This is because being an enterpreneur is more profitable than being a paid employee,
There are 3 ways you can do to start or enter the world of business,they are:
1. Pioneering new business
The form and setting up a new business is established and set up a new business using capital, ideas, organization and management of self-designed.
2. Buy company of others(buying)
It is buy companies that have established or initiated or organized by other people with the name (goodwill) and organization of existing business.
3. Management cooperation (franchising)
Cooperation between the franchisee to the franchisor/ parent company. Cooperation is usually: site selection, building plans, equipment, quality control, research.
According to the survey conducted by Peggy Lambing (2000: 90): about 43% of respondents get business ideas from experience gained while working in some company or other professional venues.
There are two main approaches used to look for enterpreneurial opportunities:
- First, inside out (idea generation) is an appoach based on the idea as a key determinant of business success.
- Second, outside-in approach or opportunity recognition, the approach emphasizes the idea taht the basiswill be successful when responding to the needs or create a need in the market.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Way to Steal the Hearts of Customers
1. Let customers know your business info If customers want to be loved, then you have to introduce yourself and the business undertaken. Let the customer know the complete information about your business. As they are wondering, you should be able to answer it well. By doing so, business name or your company will be well known to the public.
2. Give discounts at the beginning of Giving discounts is one way to attract the attention of customers. However, after no more rebates, customers had to vanish. So that did not happen like that, you are advised to keep pamper customers by giving discounts. For example, to create a discount card for loyal customers. Thus, the discount can only be given to customers who have a card.
3. Say thank you A very happy customer treated kindly. Know that every customer who comes to be treated like a king or queen. For that, try to treat them with a friendly and well served. One way you can do is say thank you after doing the transaction in store. Customers are treated kindly will usually feel happy and faithful to you.
4. Getting listened to their criticism and suggestions from the customers is commonplace. However, you must not be offended at what they say. You should be able to listen to all their complaints. Criticism and suggestions from them to improve the business undertaken.
5. Customers love the final way to steal customers' hearts is to love them. Treat them like friends. You do not just focus on profits alone. However, you also have to actively communicate with customers. That way, customers will feel valued and will be coming back to your store.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Monday, July 1, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Perseverance are your strengths
What do you aim to achieve now is a result of the small business that you do this continuously. Success is not something that just dropped. If you are unsure of your destination and path, then you must have perseverance to keep trying. Perseverance is your ability to survive in the mindst of pressure and adversity.
You have to keep taking the next step. Do not just stop at the first step. Indeed, the farther you walk, the more stumbing blocks. Imagine, if only yesterday you quit, then you will not be here now. Each step increase yourself worth.
Whatever you do, do not lose your perseverance. Due diligence is your endurance. Proverb says that thousands of miles starts with a single step in step.
A big step actually consist of many small step. And the success of the first seps you should start from your home. Your home is the most well your heart. That's the best place to start and to come back.
Therefore, start your progress by improving your heart. Then your mind and your efforts persistence comes when what you do really comes from your heart.
Benefits of Dragon Fruits for Health
Dragon fruit is still not widely known, but the fruit that comes from mainland Central America is already very popular. Fruit which has the Latin name Hylocereus polyrhizus widely cultivated by local farmers as a way of planting is easy and does not require too much capital. This piece first appeared has a fairly expensive price even par with apples imported from new Zealand but now the price is much more affordable. Substance or nutrients in dragon fruit proved to have properties very much. Here are 10 benefits dragon fruits for health:
1. Inhibits Aging
Anti-oxidants contained in Dragon fruit can inhibits aging process commonly experienced by someone who every day are to air pollution. The content contained in dragon fruit will detofixy the body effectively.
2. prevent Cancer
Antioxidants than useful to prevent premature aging also proven to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the human body. Fruit that has a bland taste slightly sweet with small seeds that can be consumed can be consumed by all ages. However, there is also someone who does not like the mushy fruit.
3. Improve Immune
Vitamin C is contained in the dragon fruit is quite high which is why this fruit is best eaten by children in infancy. If you are frequently exposed to the flu season especially when changes are uncertain what it is today should consume dragon fruit regularly every day.
4. Improve Appetite
If you are currently experiencing a period where the appetite drops should consume dragon fruit. In addition to its high content of vitamin C in dragon fruit apparently also contains Vitamin B2 and B1 which have long been relied upon by the world as an appetite enhancer treatment especially recuperating from illness.
5. Lowering Cholesterol Levels
In addition to Vitamin B2 and B1 dragon fruit also many stores Vitamin B3 which if consumed regularly can reduce blood cholesterol effectively. If a person's blood cholesterol decreases then the name will be kept away from circulatory disorders and heart.
6. Strengthen Bones and Teeth
Inside there is a dragon fruit contains abundant phosphorus and calcium. That's why if someone is eating dragon fruit regularly bones and teeth condition is much better than someone who has never eaten fruit dragon. For those of you who now at the age twilight dragon fruit should be consumed because it can prevent bone loss or osteoporosis.
7. Prevent Diabetes Mellitus
Currently degenatif disease is a scourge for someone who every day eat an unhealthy meal. Moreover, these people go through life with an unhealthy lifestyle, most likely his future will experience degenerative disease that is currently increasing number of infectious diseases defeat. If you are aware of it and are afraid of contracting diabetes mellitus should begin now consume dragon fruit for which there is an effective agent for reducing blood sugar levels.
8. Caring for Eye Health
Not only Vitamin A is needed to keep the eyes in order to stay healthy. Carotene, is also beneficial for the health of the eye that we have. Benefits of Dragon Fruit contained in the carotene content is very good for the eyes when consumed.
9. Caring Heart To stay healthy
Besides healthy diet regular exercise is also needed to maintain a healthy heart. If you have problems deciding what fruit is healthy for the heart, you should select for your own dragon fruit sala a healthy diet you start now. The content of Vitamin C, B1, B2, and B3 in the dubbed Dragon Fruit Fruit is very good for your heart health.
10. Caring for Skin Health
If you are currently experiencing skin problems especially acne need not worry. Therefore, there is a dragon fruit in the Vitamin C content of which we can rely as a way to get rid of acne healthy. The trick is quite simple, take a dragon fruit then peel the skin, enter into a blender, puree. Enter the dragon fruit in a glass smooth, take the water with spoons rubbed on the face. The rest can be taken as fresh juice. Do it regularly until you acne problems disappear. It can also be relied upon as a way to remove acne scars on the skin that bothers you.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Word Wise
Giving Without Considering
Try to start your day with the intention to give. Start with something small, not too valuable in your eyes. Start of nickles. Collect some coins that may be scattered here and there. Only for one purpose: given. Whether you are in a hot city bus, then came a deafening sing singers. Or you were in the car with the cool AC, then a pair of small hands knocking begging.
No matter what your opinion of laziness, poverty and so forth. Do not need a lot of though, give one or two pieces on them. Perhaps there is some reluctance and annoyance. Press feeling it along with your gift. After all, nobody wants him downward into beggars. Remember, this time you are only "practicing" giving, reached the number that has no meaning?. Feel it, is now something of the self flow through the palm of your hand.
It's something called love. Given without consideration of how to get rid of stone inhibitors stream. The river is a sense of love from within. While the stone is centered on self-interest alone. Indeed, instead of coins or diamonds that you provide. The generosity does not lie in the hands, but in the heart.
Monday, June 17, 2013
time managing
Time Management
Managing study time does not mean the loss of free time for fun. Not mean that in a time of 24 hours per day should be spent on learning. Quite the opposite. The main principles of effective time management is an effective timeline for activities that include: time to learn, time to work and social activities as well as time for yourself to relax. However the time required to relax by a student other than the time to learn. Most of the time to relax is needed to restore energy than has been used for study and work. Either study or work requires no small amount of energy, especially to concentrate in doing anything. The energy involved in this concentrate should be replace. If not, then it is very likely someone experiencing feelings of distress or stress. The main tips for managing study time is a combination of flexibility and discipline. Often the study plan has been drafted, but then there are sudden events that you should follow. You are expected to remain disciplined and yet flexible enough to replace the lost time to find another time.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Recreations Place
Kuta Beach
Kuta Beach is one of the beautiful beach in Bali island. This beach is located in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.
Bellow is some pictures of the Kuta Beach:
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Liberalism is an ideology, philosophical view, and political tradition which is based on the understanding that freedom is the first. In common political values, lieralism aspire to a free siciety, characterized by freedom of thought for individuals.
Liberalism reject the restrictions, especially of governmentn and religion. Liberalism calls for, free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supporta private enterprise were relatively independent, and a transparent system of government, and rejected any restrictions on individual ownership. Hence liberalism become the basis for the further growth of capitalism.
In modern society, liberalism will be able to grow up in a democratic system, this is because both are basing freedom of majority. Compare Oxford Manifesto of the Liberal International: "The rights and conditions can only be obtained through a genuine democracy. True democracy is inseparable from political freedom and based on the agreement made with the conscious, free, and well known of the majority, which is expressed through the ballot free and confidental, with respect for the freedom and
the views of the minotary.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The richest people in Indonesia
The top 10 richest people in Indonesia
Here are the top 10 richest people in Indonesian version of Globe Asia:
1. Robert Hartono (72) and Michael Hartono (73) of the Djarum Group with a net worth of $ 15.5 billion (up from $ 11.8).
2. Tjipta Eka Widjaja (90) of the Sinar Mas Group with a fortune of $ 13.1 billion (up from $ 12.5 billion).
3. Anthoni Salim (64) of First Pacific and Indofood with a fortune of $ 10.1 billion (up from $ 8.5 billion).
4. Susilo Wonowidjojo (56) of The Gudang Garam with a fortune of $ 6 billion (up from $ 3.5 billion).
5. Martua Sitorus (54) of Wilmar International with a fortune of $ 3.7 billion (down from $ 4.2 billion).
6. Bakrie (65) of the Bakrie Group with a fortune of $ 2.45 billion (up from $ 2.2 billion).
7. Putera Sampoerna (63) of the Sampoerna Group with $ 2.4 billion (up from $ 2.3 billion).
8. Peter Sondakh (61) of the Rajawali Group $ 2.35 billion (up from $ 2.2 billion).
9. Mochtar Riady (85) of the Lippo Group, with a fortune of $ 2.15 billion (up from $ 1.6 billion).
10. Tanoto (63) of Royal Golden Eagle With a Fortune of $ 2.1 billion (down from $ 2.14 billion).
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Product of Islamic Banking
Islamic Banking Products
Some products and services provided by Islamic banks include:
1. Courier or deposit
a. Al-Wad'iah (custody service)
is the fund custodian services for which the depositor may withdraw funds at any time. With the bank is not obligated wadiah system, but alllowed, to give a bonus to customers.
b. Mudarabah deposit
Customers save money in the bank within a certain time frame. The advantage of investing in the funds of the bank customers will be shared between the bank and customer with a certain profit sharing ratio.
2. For Result
a. Al-Musharaka (Joint Venture)
the concept is applied to a
model of partnership or joint venture. Benefits achieved will be shared in an
agreed ratio while losses will be shared based on the ratio of equity owned by
each party. The fundamental difference with the concept of mudaraba is in no
management interference management whereas no interference mudharabah.
b. Al-Mudaraba
is an agreement between the capital provider
and an entrepreneur. Any benefits achieved will be divided according to certain
agreed ratios. The risk of loss is borne fully by the Bank except loss caused
by mismanagement, negligence and irregularities such as fraud the customer,
fraud and abuse.
c. Al-muzara'ah
is the bank providing financing for customers who are engaged in agricultureal/ plantation on the basic of the results of the harvest.
d. Al-musaqah
is a more simple form of muzara'ah, where customers only responsible for maintenance, and in return customers are entitled to a certain ratio of the crop.
3. Buying and Selling
a. Ba'i Al-Murabahah
is the distribution of funds in the form of buying and selling. Bank will buy the required items a nd then resell the service users to service users with inflated prices determined in accordance bank profit margins, and service users can repay the goods.
b. Ba'i As-Salam
Bank will buy the required items at a later
date, while the payment is made in advance. Items purchased must be measured
and weighed clear and specific, and the determination of the purchase price by
the good pleasure of the whole between the two sides.
c. Ba'i Al-Istishna
As-Salam is a special form in which the price of
goods can be paid when the contract, paid in installments, or paid in the
4. Rent
a. Al-Ijarah
is a contract of transfer of rights to the goods and services through a lease payment of wages, without being followed by the transfer of ownership of the goods themselves.
5. Service
a. Al-Wakalah
is a contract in islamic banking transactions, which is contract in accordance with the principles applied in the Islamic Shari'a.
b. Al-Kafalah
is guarantee given by the insurer to third parties to fulfill the obligations of both parties or incurred, in other words, a shift of responsibility that is guaranteed to hold on the responsibility of others as collateral.
c. AL-Hawalah
is an agreement in which the displacement in practice
transferring debts from people who owe dependents dependents who are obliged to
pay the debt (eg, agency debt takeover).
d. Ar-Rahn
is a contract in Islamic banking transactions, which is a pledge agreement in accordance with shari'a.
e. Al-Qardh
is one of the convenants contained in the Islamic banking system which is none other than loans, in cash or otherwise without expectation of reward or interest.
Islamic Bank
Islamic Banking
Islamic banking is a banking system based on the implementation of islamic law (sharia). This system is based on the establishment of the Islamic prohibition to lend or collect a loan with a loan charging interest (riba), as well as the prohibition to invest in businesses categorized forbidden (haram). Conventional banking system can not guarantee the absence of these things in the investment, for example in businees related to the production of food or drink haram, media or entertainment business are un-islamic, and others.
Although these principles may be applied in the economic history of islam, but only in late 20th century began to stand up Islamic banks that apply for commercial institution of private or semi-privat in the Muslim community in the world.
Islamic banking has the same purpose as conventional banking, the banking institution in order to generate profits by lending capital, deposit funds, fund operations, or the activities as appropiate. Principles of Islamic laws prohibits the elements below in banking transaction are:
1. Commerce over illicit goods
2. Interest
3. Gambling and speculation are intentional
4. Ambigue and manipulative.
Comparison between Islamic banks and Conventional banks.
a. Islamic Bank
- Doing only halal investments according to Islamic law
- Wearing the principle of sharing , buy-sell, and rent
- Profit-oriented and Falah (happiness of the world and the hereafter according to the teachings
- Relationship with customers in the form of partnership
b. Conventional banks
- Invest either lawful or unlawful according to Islamic law
- Wearing the interest rate
- Profit-oriented
- Relationship with customers in the form of creditor-debitor
- Collection and distribution of funds is not governed by a board similar
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Elements of the formation a state
Element of The Formation of a State
As an organization, the state has the elements that are not owned by any organization that is in the community. In general, there are constitutive nations and declarative. Constitutive element means that the element of absolute or should exist in a country. Whereas declarative elements only account for the state.
The elements that are constitutive nations is the need of the people, a particular region, and sovereign goverment. The third element is constitutive because it is a necessary condition for the formation of the state. If one element is missing or incomplate, it can not be called a state.
In addition, there are also element of declarative, there must be recognition of other countries. Declarative element is very important because the recognition of other countries as a form of trust is another country to hold a relationship, both bilateral and multilateral relation.
1. People
The people are all people who become residents of a country. Without the people, it is impossible state will be formed. Leacock said that, "The state will not stand in the absence of a group of people who in habit this earth".
Folk consist of residents and non-residents. Ppopulation is all the people who aim to settle in the territory of a particular country. Those who are in the territory of a country but does not aim to settle, can not be called resident. For example, people who visit for the tourist.
2. Region
Region is the second element, due to the presence of areas in habited by humans, then the state will be formed. Population of a country can be divided into citizens and non-citizens. Citizens are those who legally became citizens of a country, while excluding foreign nationals are also called color foreign countries (WNA)
Territory of a country including the following:
a. Land area, which covers the whole of mainland with certain boundaries with other nations.
b. Ocean territory, which includes all waters of marines areas with the limits prescribed under international law.
3. Sovereign Government
Sovereign government is the goverment that has the power eithe to the inside or outside to run errands and authorities set of economic, social, and political a country or part there of in accordance with a predetermined system.
Government is needed in the establishment of a state, if the state may not appear without later followed by the establishment of the government.
4. Recognition of Other Countries
Recognition of other countries to new country is not a factor standing absolute or elements forming the new state, but rather is explained or expressed has been the birth of a new nation. Recognition of a country can be divided into two groups, namely the recognition of the de facto and the de jure recognition.
a. Recognition of de Facto
De facto recognition is the recognition of tne reality of a country that can make contact with other countries taht recognize it. Granted de facto recognition that a new state has met the constitutive elements.
b. Recognition of de Jure
De Jure recognition was officially recognized by the law of another state with all its consequences.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Sanur Beach
Sanur Beach is located in the village of Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Sanur Beach is one of the beaches on the island of Bali to visit. Sanur Beach is about 6 km from Denpasar city center, and can be reached by private vehicles like cars or motorcycles. If you want to use public transportation, travelers do not need to worry, because the public transport is very crowded from Sanur-Denpasar. Exquisite natural beauty of Sanur Beach is very well- known even since antiquity.
In terms of tourism, Sanur Beach began to be introduced to the international world by AJ Le Mayeur, an artist from Belgium who came to Bali in 1932. See attraction is very beautiful Sanur Beach, Le Mayeur decided to stay in Sanur with setting up of painting studio. Le Mayeur later married a Balinese girl named Ni Nyoman Pollok, a famous Legong dancer and a model of one of his painting. Through painting studio has become Le Mayeur Museum and can be visited by the public. Le Mayeur Museum is located in the tourist area of Sanur Beach.
If the popular Kuta Beach with beautiful sunset, another case with the Sanur Beach, this beach is famous for its panoramic sunrise. Sanur Beach offers white sand beach topography that stretches, curved to form a beautiful constellation.
In the morning, the tourists can enjoy the moment of sunrise, tourists also can see the islands of Nusa Penida, in the southeasts as well as panoramic southern coast of Bali. The view at night is equally interesting, with the beauty of the sea waeter reflux attack on the island cluster and rock that just into the sea south of Sanur Beach. Not only that, if waves are not so big, tourists can witness the beauty of the coral reef that streches colorful.
Around the Sanur Beach there are various facilities, such as five-star hotels and restaurants. Therefore, travelers should not worry if they need lodging or food stalls around the beach. Moreover, in the tourist area of Sanur Beach there are also souvenir stalls that sell a variety of art and by-typical beach.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The mysterius places
5 Scariest Place In The World
Mny unsolved mysteries in the world. Some are related to the history and some of the unknown tip base. The following are some of the most popular places in the world because it contains not only the historical value, but also a mystery.
1. Tower of London (Inggris)
Tower of London which look pretty graceful and majestic, invisible mystery. But in the place, had a lot of executions and torture in the 10 century. That said, many victims of beheadings in the past often haunt this place, one of which is the Queen Ann Boleyn who frequently appeared while carrying his own head. Other sightings occured in the February 12, 1957. Guard there saw a white shadow not clear on top of the tower is believed to be sightings of Lady Jane Grey who had executed in 1554 on the same day.
2. Singapore Changing Beach (Singapore)
Singapore Changing beach is one of the scariest places in the world, because it often appears strange sound like a pathetic cry and scream. It is believed to be the rest of the carnage during the Japanese occupation (Worla War II). In those days many ethnic Chinese were tortured and killed there on suspicion of being anti-Japanese. That said, since it often appears strange events. Often seen floating disembodied head while walking his beach, In one night, the sound of digging such a hole to bury the bodies.
3. Lawang Sewu (Indonesia)
The building is located in Semarang, Central Java. Lawang Sewu is Dutch buildings that have loot of doors. Residents around often believe that there is a watchman in it often heard strange noises.
4. Hotel Raynham Hall (Inggris)
This place never stops the world because of the appearance that appears in a photo documentation. The apparition called The Brown Lady or Woman Brown. The sighting was a female figure dressed in brown cloth and appeared on a ladder. Vague shape with a radiant face, but with eyes full black.
5. The White House (USA)
Building number one in the united States is White House which is home to the American president. It turned out a magnificent and beautiful place also in the category of scariest place in the world. Many rumors say that not only the president now who occupy the building, but also the former president of the American other event if they are dead. This place may be said to be full of stories of ghost sightings popular. Ranging from president Harrison, President Andrew Jackson to the most phenomenal is Abraham Lin coln. Many witnesses who claimed to have met with Abraham Lincoln. Sometimes he oversaw one of the bedroom, suddenly appeared beside the bed, taking of his boots, sometimes also sightinga Linciln appears next to the window with a serious place.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Jobless or unemployment is a term for people who do not work at all, looking for work, working less than two days during the week, or someone who is trying to get a decent job. Unemployment is generally caused due to the workforce or job seekers are not proportional to the number of existing jobs that can absorb it. Jobless is often a problem in the economy due to the presence of unemployment, productivity and incomes will be reduced so us to give rise to proverty and other social problems.
The unemployment rate can be calculated by compering the number of unemployed to the total labor force expressed as a percent. The absence of income causes the employed should reduce their consumption expenditure leading to a descreased level of a prosperity and well-being. Prolonged unemployment can also cause a bad psylogical effect on the unemployed and their families. Unemployed rate that is too high can also cause political turmoil and social security that interfere with growth and economic development. Long-term result is decline in GNP and percapita income of a country. In developing countries such as Indonesia, the tecnical term is "underemployed" in which the work should be done with a little labor, done by more people.
Corruption is the actions of public officials, politicians and civil servants, as well as other parties involved in the act that unreasonably and illegally abusing the public trust that authorizes them to gain unilateral advantage.
From the point of fiew of law, corruption broadly meets following elements:
1. Tort
2. Abuse of authority an opportunity
3. Enrich themselves, others, or corporation
4. Financial harm the country or state economy
Types of corruption include:
a. Giving or receiving a gift or pledge (bribery)
b. Embezzlement in office
c. Extortion in office
d. Participate in the procurement ( for civil servant/ state officials)
e. Accept gratuities (for civil servant/ state officials)
Conditions that favor the emergence of corruption :
- The concentration of power in decision-making that is not directly responsible to the people, as so often in regimes that are not democratic.
- Lack of transparancy in goverment decision-making.
- Political campaigns are expensive, with expenditures greater than normal political funding.
- Projects involving large amounts of public money.
- Environmental covered selfish and networks "old friends".
- Weak rule of law.
- The weakness of the legal profession.
- Lack of freedom of speech or freedom of the public media.
- Slaries of government employeees is very small.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Type of conflicts
The Types of Conflicts in The Organization
1.Iintrapersonal conflict
intrapersonal conflict is a conflict with oneself. This conflict occurs when at the same time a person has two desires can not be met at once.
2. Interpersonal conflict
Interpersonal conflict is a conflict between a person with another person because of a conflict of interest or desire. This often happens between two people of different status, occupation, occupations, and others.
3. Conflict between individuals and groups
These conflicts arise when an individual fails to conform to the norms of the group where he worked. for example, it can be said that a person can be punished by the group person works because he can not achieve the productivity norms of the group in which he worked.
4. Conflict between groups in the same organization
This conflict occurs because each group has a different purpose and each is trying to achieve. for example, the conflict between line and staff, workers and management employees are two kinds of inter-group conflict areas.
5. Inter-organizational conflict
This conflict occurs if the actions taken by the organization have negative impacts for other organizations. inter-organizational conflicts arise as a result of business competition, gain recognition or influence of the public, misunderstanding between individual members of the organization alone but cause escalation of the problem resulted in each organization so that the management had to intervene.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Conflicts in organization
Conflict is all kinds of opposition or antagonistic interaction between two or more people. In other words, conflict is a problem between individual expression with other individuals, group with other groups at different levels due to some reason or the main cause, the objectives and the allocation of shared resources. Conflict often occurs in an organization. This is because in the organization there are many people who have different characteristics, and it has potential for the emergence of a conflict.
The factors that lead to conflict:
1. Communication factors
Communication factors can be the cause of conflict when the members in organization can not or do not want to understand each other in various ways in the organization.
2. Factor structure of tasks and organization structure
Task structure causes conflicts when some members couldn understand their work assignments from an existing structure, or discrepancies occur also in terms of the division of labor and work procedures that are not understood. Organizational structure can cause conflicts when some members felt did not belong on the inside of organization, or can also be an effort to reach a certain position, and various other things related to or part of an existing position in the organization.
3. Personal factors
Personal factors can be a source of conflict in the organization when the individuals in the organization can not understand each other, so arise various problems that can lead to conflict between individuals, both in and between certain parts of the organization.
4. Environment factors
Environment factors become a source of conflict when the environment in which individuals work does not support the creation of an atmosphere conducive to the effectivity of the work don the work done by each person or each work group.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Work experiences
Experience is More Important Than Theory
Theori is important, but the experience is more important. Why?, because the experience, we really have to practice it in our live, but the theory, we just know about something, haven't feel in the reality lives.
now, there are many companies which looking for employess who have an experience work than the employees who have a high degree but has never work at all. It is because the companies want get the employess who have reality skill in the work field.
I have a story that can make me conscious that experience is more need than theory.
I have a lecturer, She has a brother. Her brother is still collage with work in one of the compenies. One day he want to work in a bank. Then he applied for a job at the bank. There are 2 applicant who applied. When do the job interview, he was pesimist, because his competitor is very perfect, he had just graduated with a degree and his knowledge about theory still good, while himself not yet passed from collage. But what happen?, when announcement of acceptance, person who accept is himself not his competitor. The bank chose himself because he has something that is not owned by competitors, it is work experience.
From story above, I'm be sure that work experience is very important. So, start now, let's looking for more experience work to add our experience about work.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Importance of Communications
Communications is very important, without communications, human's life is very difficult.
Do you know, what is the communication?. Ok, Communication is the process conveying information from one people to another. Person that give information called communicator, while the person that receiving information called communican. Communication can be done with many ways, such as by speak direct, by media, or by cue. A communication is succesfull if the purpose of delivering targeted information, which is characterized by the presence feedback from communican. Someone that don't like to do communication with other people, he can be compare to the frog in the shell, who don not know any information.
The ability to communicate is also different. There are some people who rather weak in terma of communication. Such as less connect with the theme of the talks if invited to communicate. This type of person is a bit unfortunate, as this can hinder the process of communication. Other than that, people who communicate well with disgust, because he feels useless talking to people like that. Therefore, having the ability to communicate is also very important. If you feel your ability in communication is still lacking, continue to practice your communication skill by frequently interacting with the other people and establish communication with them. So, over time you will get used to communicate with many people, and it is very useful for improving your communication skills. Remember , we will be able if we make it be our habit,,^_^
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Bogor Botanical Gardens
Bogor Botanical Gardens
Bogor Botanical Gardens is a beautiful 87 hectares garden that worth for visit. Situated in Bogor city, 60 km south of Jakarta, its country-capital, Bogor Botanical Gardens is Indonesia's first and foremost botanical gardens.
Bogor Botanical Gardens today is one of the important destination, together with Bogor palace. The garden is an important part of Bogor city providing not only employment but a large recreation area for local residents, visitors from Jakarta and many passing tourists. Dating back to era Dutch colonial, Bogor Botanical Gardens was build by Java's Dutch Governor-General Gustaaf Willem, Baron Van Imhoon who was governor of Java at the time. The extensive grounds of the presidential palace were converted into the gardens by the German-born Dutch botanists, Professor Casper George Carl Relnwardt. The gardens officially opened in 1817's Lands Plantentuin
('National Botanical Garden') and were used to research and develop plants and
seeds from other parts of the Indonesian archipelago for cultivation during the
19th century. This is a tradition that continues today and contributes to the
garden's reputation as a major center for botanical research.
Biogor Botanical Gardens now kept more than 15.000 species of trees and plants located among streams and lotus ponds. There are 400 types of exceptional palms to the found along the extensive lawns and avenues, helping the gardens create a refuge for more than 50 different varieties of birds and four groups of bats roosting high in the trees. The bats can be easily detected by the noise they make while competing for space under the canoples. The orchid houses contain some 3000 varieties. One of the main attraction in Bogor Botanical Gardens is Bunga Bangkai Amorphophalus titanum) because its has a stinging smell when
blomming. This flower can reach 2m tall and is the compound interest on the
world's largest plants. Next, the oldest palm trees in Southeast Asia are still
alive today. In January 2006, around 20.00-20.30 pm, as many as 124 trees in Bogor Botanical
Gardens, many of which are over 100 years of falling due to heavy rain and
storms. The park was closed to the public for a week.
Bogor Botanical Gardens open daily from 8 am until 5 pm. Admission fee less than one dolar. There are some facilities in the park, from museums, library, untill guest house. There are trhee routes for exploring the park. In first route, in the Kenari street planted by Johannes Ellas Teysman in 1832. After that, there is a lady Raffles Monument. This
monument was created for honouring Lady Olivia Mariamne Raffles, wife of Thomas
Stamford Rraffles, Governor of Java in 1811-1816 who death in 1814 due to
malaria. On this route visitors can see the magnificent Bogor Palace surrounded
with kolam Gunting (literally translated as scissors pond) with beautifull lotus. Across
the pond was the oldest trees in the Bogor Botanical Gardens planted in 1823.
Namely, the tree Litchi lychees or special chinenis imported from China In the second route, visitors will greeted by beautiful scenery in and arround cafe Botanicus, commonly, visitor choose this place for take a rest while. In the third route, It is a right place for orchid lovers. In 1977, first lady Siti Hartinah Soeharto, wife of former president Suharto to fund it greenhouse specially for the collection of wild orchids or wild orchids found it Indonesia
Monday, May 13, 2013
Recreation places in Kebumen
The Beauty of Tourism Place In Kebumen
Kebumen is small town which located in Central Java. This city has incredible natural beauty. Beautiful place, beautiful scenery, and the air is very cool. Besides that this place is very neat and comfortable, Kebumen also has amny tourist place which are spread in many places in Kebumen.
Below are the thourists place in Kebumen:
2. Jati Jajar Cave
3. Karang Bolong Beach
4. Menganti Beach
5. Suwuk Beach
Madakaripura Waterfall
Madakaripura waterfall is one of the waterfall in the area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, located in the village Sapeh, Districk Lumbang, Probolinggo, East Java Province.
This waterfall has a height of about 200 m and shaped alcove surrounded by cliffts towering curtain had tears forming in all areas ridge looking like a rine, 3 of them even formed a waterfall pouring out again. There are about five waterfall at thjs location with the main waterfall is located at the end of a circular room about 25 m in diameter.
Behind the main waterfall there is a cave which is very difficult to achieve the water must pass through an a area of 25 m that is just below the waterfall. The pool dep[th of about 7 m and have a very heavy flow of water.
According to locals Madakaripura name means he last place' whice is taken from a story in antiquity, Gajah Mada supposedly spent by the end of his life meditating at the waterfall site ( in a cave in the main waterfall). This story is supported by the ue of Gajah Mada in the parking lot of area.
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